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How to Read Your Condo Financial Statements

How to Read Your Condo Financial Statements

How to read your condo financial statements: Join Cody Koester, Manger - Client Accounting for Larlyn Property Management Ltd. as he discusses what is in a typical Condo Financial Statement Package and how to read those statements. The board of directors learn to use them as tools to make better decision ensuring their community and corporation is prepared for the future. Financial statements a recurring report that gives you the financial health of your condo corporation monthly. These statements can be used by condo owners, the condo board of directors, or third parties. Included in your condo financial statements package is a balance sheet, 12-month income statement, budget comparison, collection of working papers and reconciliations, general ledger, and notes on the financial statements. Balance sheets give you a snapshot of the financial position of your condominium at a specific point time and are broken into three major components assets, liabilities, and equity. On the assets side, some of the general pieces you will see is the petty cash, operating cash account, and reserve cash account. Liabilities are negative items owed such as accounts payable, accrued expenses, prepaid condominium fees, and due to reserve. Finally, equity, this on most condo balance sheets will be a beginning surplus plus the current surplus deficit equals your year to date equity. The beginning surplus represents where you are the prior year and the current surplus represents where you are thus far. Another item on the equity portion of the balance sheet is the reserve fund. This has beginning reserves, reserve fund contributions, and reserve interest. Next in your package is the 12-month income statement showing month over month total expenses with cumulative expenses for the year. This used with the budget comparison sheet shows the actual month to date and year to date operating income and expenses compared to the MTD budget and YTD laid out by your property manager. The next notable document you will see is the general ledger. It is a complete record of financial transactions. It will display every single account that pertains to your condo and all the activity that has taken place within those accounts in detail. The final piece is the notes on the financial statements. These are generally right at the very front of the package and will have some general information on how the financials are put together or anything notable that is important for the condo board to know about. For more in-depth information on how to understand your condo board financial statements watch the full webinar or reach out to us a Larlyn Property Management.
What to Look for in a Condominium Status Certificate?| Condo Special Assessment| Condo Reserve Fund

What to Look for in a Condominium Status Certificate?| Condo Special Assessment| Condo Reserve Fund

What to Look for in a Condominium Status Certificate | Special Assessment | Reserve Fund | Ontario condominium act | Condominium authority of Ontario | Selling Homes In A Neighbourhood Near You!™ PLEASE SUPPORT Tom Witek’s YouTube Channel is WE APPRECIATE HAVING YOU AS A SUBSCRIBER! TO GET UPCOMING AWESOME VIDEOS, PLEASE REMEMBER TO: SUBSCRIBE, HIT YOUTUBE NOTIFICATION BELL, LIKE, SHARE, AND LEAVE A COMMENT. YOU CAN ONLY CLICK THE NOTIFICATION BELL IF YOU ARE ALREADY A SUBSCRIBER! Follow Tom Witek Online Here: Tomasz Witek (Tom VTEC) Salesperson with Your Choice Realty Corp. Brokerage Tom Witek’s Website: Tom Witek’s FaceBook Business Page: Tom Witek’s LinkedIn: Tom Witek’s Instagram: Tom Witek’s Twitter: Tom Witek’s Tumblr: Follow Julian Hutchinson at: 343 Preston Street 11th Floor Ottawa,Ont K1s 1N4 Follow Jerry Schindelheim Online: Mortgage Agent with Invis Canada’s Mortgage Experts 10 years Jerry's YouTube Channel: Website: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: FaceBook Business Page: #CondosForSaleInOttawa #CondominiumsForSaleInOttawa #CondominiumAuthorityOfOntario #OntarioCondominiumAct #StatusCertificate #CondoStatusCertificate #CondominiumStatusCertificate #CondoLaw #CondominiumBylawsOntario #CondoOwnerRightsOntario #OntarioCondominiumAct2017 #PurchasingACondo #PurchasingACondominium #BuyingACondo #BuyingACondominium #ottawaRealEstateLawyers #OttawaHousesForSale #OttawaCondosForSale #OttawaCondominums #CondoReserveFund #ReserveFund #CondominiumReserveFund #ReserveFundStudies #CondominiumSpecialAssessment #SpecialAssessement #CondoSpecialAssessment #CondoStatusCertificateReview #StatusCertificateCondition #StatuscertificateClause #StatusCertificate10days #CondominiumSpecialAssessmentRules #CondoReserveFundExpenditures #AdequateCondoReserveFund #CondoReserveFundDeficit #ReserveFundStudyTemplate #ReserveFundStudyCondominiumAct #OntarioCondominiumActPets #CondominiumBylawsOntario #OntarioCondoActBoardOfDirectors #CondominiumActForms #LegalActionAgainstCondoCorporation condos for sale in Ottawa Condominiums for sale in Ottawa condominium authority of ontario ontario condominium act status certificate condo status certificate condominium status certificate condo law condominium bylaws ontario condo owner rights ontario ontario condominium act 2017 purchasing a condo purchasing a condominium buying a condo buying a condominium ottawa real estate lawyers Ottawa houses for sale Ottawa condos for sale Ottawa condominums condo reserve fund reserve fund condominium reserve fund reserve fund studies condominium special assessment special assessement condo special assessment condo status certificate review status certificate condition status certificate clause status certificate 10 days condominium special assessment rules condo reserve fund expenditures adequate condo reserve fund condo reserve fund deficit reserve fund study template reserve fund study condominium act ontario condominium act pets condominium bylaws ontario ontario condo act board of directors condominium act forms legal action against condo corporation
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