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In-Suite Access in Condominiums: Rights and Dangers

Living in a condominium comes with a unique set of challenges and privileges. One critical aspect is the issue of in-suite access, a topic governed by regulations such as the Ontario Condominium Act and shaped by various best practices. Let's delve into the intricacies of accessing and providing access to condominium units, exploring the when, how, and why behind this often-sensitive issue.


The Ontario Condominium Act serves as the backbone for regulations governing condominium living. Section 19 of the Act outlines the circumstances under which a condominium corporation can enter a unit. It's crucial for both residents and management to be well-versed in these provisions to ensure a harmonious living environment.


According to the Act, a corporation can enter a unit for various reasons, including maintenance, repairs, inspections, and emergency situations. Maintenance and repairs are essential to uphold the overall integrity of the building, ensuring that common elements are well-maintained.


However, it's important to note that while the Act grants the corporation the right to access a unit, this doesn't mean carte blanche entry. The principle of reasonable notice is a key factor in maintaining a balance between the rights of the unit owner and the responsibilities of the corporation.


Reasonable notice is a critical aspect of in-suite access and is designed to protect the privacy and security of unit owners. The Condominium Act stipulates that the corporation must provide "reasonable" notice before entering a unit for non-emergency purposes.


Determining what constitutes reasonable notice can be subjective and may depend on factors such as the nature of the entry and the urgency of the situation. Best practices often dictate that a notice period of 24 to 48 hours is considered reasonable, allowing residents sufficient time to prepare for the intrusion into their private space.


However, it is important to take the intensity and duration of the potential disruption in mind. It may be necessary to provide a longer notice period if the potential disruption to the resident is expected to be extensive or prolonged.


It's essential for condominium corporations to establish clear communication channels to relay such notices promptly. This can be achieved through various means, including email, physical notices, or through an established online platform.


While reasonable notice is the norm, there are instances where a corporation can access a unit without prior notification. Emergencies, such as water leaks, electrical failures, or fire hazards, may require immediate action to prevent further damage or ensure the safety of residents.


The Condominium Act recognizes these situations and grants corporations the right to enter a unit without notice in emergency circumstances. However, it is crucial that such entries are well-documented, and the corporation communicates promptly with the affected unit owner after the fact.


Despite the legal framework, there are situations where a corporation should exercise caution in providing access to a unit. One such scenario is when dealing with contentious issues or potential breaches of privacy.


For example, if a unit owner is engaged in a dispute with the condominium corporation, granting access without careful consideration may exacerbate the situation. In such cases, legal advice should be sought to navigate the delicate balance between the corporation's rights and the resident's privacy.


Additionally, sensitivity should be applied when accessing a unit for routine inspections or maintenance. Residents may have personal or sensitive items within their units, and the corporation should approach such matters with the utmost discretion.


So, while a corporation has a right to entre a unit, with or without notice to perform its duties, it must be reasonable in exercising this right.


While the Condominium Act provides when a corporation has the right to entre a unit to perform its duties, the Act is give us no guidance on providing in-suit access in other situations.


There are many circumstances in which the corporation may also be asked to provide access to a unit that falls outside of its duties. Most residential condominiums have governing documents that dictate who is responsible for the locks on unit doors, and many are on a "master key" system.  Corporations that have such systems typically require the unit owner remain on the Master Key even if the unit owner changes the lock. It's no surprise then that many owners believe it is the corporation's responsibility to open a unit door if a resident gets locked out of the unit.


While condominium corporations are entrusted with certain responsibilities, providing access to a unit on behalf of a resident or third party introduces a new layer of complexity and potential pitfalls. This practice, though seemingly helpful, poses several dangers that demand careful consideration and adherence to legal and ethical standards.


Granting access to a unit on behalf of a resident or third party without due diligence can lead to a breach of privacy. Condominium living hinges on the expectation of a private living space, and any unauthorized entry, even with the unit owner's consent, may infringe on this fundamental right. Condo corporations must be vigilant in safeguarding the privacy of unit owners and residents, even when acting at their behest.


Unauthorized access can open the door to legal complications. If the condominium corporation provides access without proper documentation or consent, it may expose itself to legal actions from disgruntled unit owners. This can result in costly legal battles, tarnishing the reputation of the corporation and causing financial strain on both parties involved.


Acting as an intermediary in accessing a unit on behalf of a resident or third party can strain the relationships between the corporation and unit owners. Even with the best intentions, misunderstandings or disputes arising from the access arrangement can erode trust and cooperation. A breakdown in communication and trust can have long-lasting consequences, negatively impacting the overall community atmosphere.


Providing access on behalf of a resident or third party can blur the lines of responsibility and liability. If damages occur during the access period, determining accountability becomes challenging. The condominium corporation may find itself caught in a web of conflicting claims, potentially leading to financial repercussions.


Allowing third parties into the building without proper screening or verification poses security risks. Unauthorized individuals may gain access to common areas or sensitive information, compromising the safety and security of residents. Condo corporations must prioritize the safety of the community and ensure that any access provided aligns with stringent security protocols.


A security guard or condo manager may find themselves in situations where it seems reasonable or even urgent to provide unit access to a resident or third-party. Let's look at an example:


Our security guard, Dena notices Sally, a resident she's known for 5 years, entering the condo around 2am. Sally politely informs Dena that she has misplaced the keys to her unit, and requests Dena use the corporation's master key to let her into the unit. Should Dena provide access to the unit?


On the surface, it would appear as though Dena would be acting reasonably in providing access to the unit, but there's more to the story than Dena is aware of. Sally has been physically abusing her partner Pat and had been locked out by her partner out of fear of further abuse. In providing unit access for Sally, Dena has just put Pat in a potentially dangerous situation.


Well-intentioned actions can sometimes lead to unintended consequences. Providing access on behalf of residents or third parties may inadvertently contribute to conflicts or escalate existing disputes within the community. Condo corporations must carefully assess the potential ramifications of such actions to maintain a peaceful and cohesive living environment.


Another situation that sometimes comes up is when a unit owner requests the corporation provide access to contractors, they've hired to do work in their unit. If the corporation provides access to a contractor, it hasn't vetted and with whom it has no contractual protections, it may open itself up to a significant amount of liability. If our guards are opening unit doors for contractors hired by the unit owner, not only does this fall outside of the duties of the corporation (managing and keeping the common elements safe and in good order), if the contractor is unscrupulous and there's a theft or damage resulting from the access provided, again, the corporation may find itself in legal hot water.

Due to the dangers and liabilities enharent in providing access to condominium residents, owners and third-parties on behalf of owners, condominium corporiations are advised to either have very strong controls in place to mitigate such liabilities including thorough documentation and waivers in place to protect the corporaiton and its staff from potential legal issues.

Alternatively, many corporations choose to simply provide staff with direction to not provide access to residents and third-parties on behalf of owners, altogether. It is not the corporation's responsibility to ensure unit owners have access to their units or to provide access on the unit owner's behalf, which can lead to the legal issues described and takes time away from fulfilling other tasks which are the corporation's responsibility. If the corporation chooses not to provide access to the unit, it is important to provide the contact information for the corporation's locksmith so that an owner or resident who is locked out can call them to have them open the door on their behalf, at their cost, and so the lock can remain on the corporation's master lock system, if such a system is in place. In any case, it is important to check with your corporation's solicitor to make sure any policies or rules the corporation puts in place with respect to in-suite access in order to ensure they have the proper protections in place.


While the role of a condominium corporation is to manage and maintain the common elements of the property, providing access on behalf of residents or third parties requires a nuanced approach. Strict adherence to legal regulations, clear communication with unit owners, and a thorough understanding of potential risks are essential to navigate this complex terrain. By doing so, condo corporations can fulfill their obligations while safeguarding the privacy, security, and well-being of the community they serve.


It's crucial for all parties involved to foster open communication, establish clear guidelines, and prioritize the delicate balance between the rights of unit owners and the responsibilities of the condominium corporation. In doing so, the intricate dance of in-suite access can be navigated with respect and understanding, ensuring that condominium living remains a positive and fulfilling experience for all.



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